“After her recent success at the One World Music Radio awards, dual winner Diane Wheeler Dunn is back…”
Steve Shepperd, One World Music Radio
The above quote refers to the Quiet Beauty album from 2021 that won Best Flute Album and Mystery in the Mist that won Best Flute Single.

Use the drop-down arrow on the Music menu at the top of the page for links for streaming, downloading and purchase of albums and singles, and to learn more about the songs. You will also find reviews, awards and links to playlists.
To Purchase CD’s
CDs of Quiet Beauty and Peace in Our Hearts are available for purchase at the Prairiewoods Spiritual Center Gift Shop in Hiawatha Iowa or contact me at [email protected].
Elfin Footfalls is now available here.
The price per CD is $14.99 plus Iowa sales tax if you live in Iowa plus shipping cost. You will need to give me your address in the email so I can check the actual shipping cost. Once that has been determined, payment can made with Paypal or credit card on my Donations page of this website.
