Diane Wheeler Dunn
Songwriter, Recording Artist, Producer, Photographer
Diane Wheeler Dunn Diane Wheeler Dunn Diane Wheeler Dunn Diane Wheeler Dunn
“There can be no doubt that the artist is one of the finest flute performers of her age, her compositions always bring a thrill to my heart, and with each passing offering she opens up the world of flute with a cinematic flourish…”
Steve Shepperd, One World Music Radio
Streaming or Downloads
Native American Style Flute Albums
coming soon

Flute Medicine for meditation, relaxation and healing. Singles available for streaming or download.
Flower Art, Nature and Abstract Photography, Showing at the PCI Building in Cedar Rapids Iowa fall of 2023.
16 x 16 Metal Prints

My Arsenal of Flutes are Made by:
Woodsounds, Four Winds, Rain Spirits, Thunder Bear, Jon Norris Music and Arts, High Spirits, Ralph Lewis, Island Bamboo, Randy Stenzel, Terri Summer, Eric the Flutemaker, and Raven Wing Flutes.

Listen to Dancing with Fireflies from the Quiet Beauty album
Visit the Music page for links to streaming platforms, playlists, reviews, awards and how to purchase a CD!