“If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.” Gail Sheehy
And so, retirement has become re-fire-ment.
Awaken was originally written as an acapella zipper song. In a zipper song, you can change each line with a new verb. I added the melody in 2020. Magic happened when I mixed it.
The lyrics I wrote are:
Will you see what it is you’re not seeing? Will you see what it is you won’t see?
Will you love what it is you’re not loving? Will you love what it is you won’t love?
Vision, insight, understanding.
People, creatures, all of the Earth.
Will you be what it is you’re not being? Will you be what it is you won’t be?
Photography awakens me to see the world differently.
Music awakens me to hear the world differently.
Will you see, hear, dream, build, feel, love, or live differently?
Will you be open to new perspectives about yourself and culture and nature?
Growing is so much more fun than growing old!